Canadian Futurists

Female Futurists: 50 Influential Futurists Leading the Pack (updated 2025)

Female Futurists: 50 Influential Futurists Leading the Pack (updated 2025)

Fifty influential female futurists | In response to a flurry of demand, this is a follow-up to a post titled "Where are all the female futurists?". We dive into fifty female futurists shaping the future, along with their backgrounds and experiences. Female futurists shape the future. More than ever, businesses are hiring futurists to present a vision of what could happen in their respective industries. The list of female futurists is not long compared to the list of male futurists. The female voice has been absent from the conversation for centuries due to a lack of representation in decision-making bodies like governments or corporations; women are finally stepping up to shape our future with their unique perspectives on these global challenges we face every day. From Global futurists to American & Canadian futurists, you name it, we cover it.

The Freelance Movement: alive and thriving

As a Futurist, I often get asked, “what is the future of work?”. To help answer that, a trend I’ve been tracking closely over the past decade is that of the freelance movement – that is, the host of workers leaving their full time gigs in favour of a freelance lifestyle. A trend that’s been emerging for over a decade, the freelance movement picked up steam during the pandemic and continues to flourish. This blog post explores what’s driving the freelance movement and where it’s headed as we settle into an endemic state of affairs.