New Retail in a Shopper’s World with Lindsay Angel

I recently spoke at a Future Retail conference in Seattle, WA. The Editor-in-Chief of Design:Retail was in the audience. She beautifully incorporated my insights into the inaugural annual Retail Report for the Hershey Company. Check it out below!

”If we are going to talk about the future of retail, we have to begin at the root

The future of the shopper. If we want to predict how we build stores in five, 10 or even 20 years, we first must consider the humanizing of retail, or designing purposeful stores for the people shopping in them, versus the product we wish to sell to them.

So what does it mean to be human? To be human is to live in a digital world that still craves analog sensation. To be human is to long for tactility. To touch, feel, smell and emote. To be human is the balance of hundreds of extremes simultaneously. We are instinctual, emotional creatures. We are flawed. We want to be better versions of ourselves. Any five-minute scan of television, radio or print media advertising these days will quickly alert your senses to be a better version of yourself—a better parent, a better cook, a better dresser or better coworker. But perhaps


the change that has emerged recently is the social acceptance tag that comes along with it. Be yourself. You do you. We won’t judge. Within this era of beauty, fashion, fitness, health and wellness, we are seeing a pattern that focuses on the power of YOU. This spans across generations—Baby Boomers are as into comfortable, breathable fabrics and organic, skin-toning serums as their Millennial counterparts. Focusing on your own well-being, state of mind and happiness is no longer a sentiment of arrogance or self-indulgence; it’s just a sentiment of sound body and mind. Of tapping into the human inside.

I recently saw Lindsay Angelo speak at a conference in Seattle. Her session focused not on the technologies driving retail today, but on the facets of today’s new consumer that directly align with the experiences they’re creating within their stores. This includes the ideologies of mindfulness, fearlessness, empathy and creativity, all of which, Angelo pointed out, are widely raising the bar for innovation and allowing an experience economy to emerge…”

I recently saw Lindsay Angelo speak at a conference in Seattle. Her session focused not on the technologies driving retail today, but on the facets of today’s new consumer that directly align with the experiences they’re creating within their stores. This includes the ideologies of mindfulness, fearlessness, empathy and creativity, all of which, Angelo pointed out, are widely raising the bar for innovation and allowing an experience economy to emerge.
— Alison Medina, Editor in Chief, design: retail

Want to read more? Download the full article here.

lindsay angelo

About the Author

Lindsay Angelo is a celebrated Futurist and Strategist, supporting impact-driven professionals, teams and organizations in learning to think and lead into the future. She holds an MBA, is a TEDx speaker, and has been recognized as an award-winning futurist and strategy consultant. Lindsay's advised Fortune 500 companies, entrepreneurs, think tanks, and the broader wellness industry - all the while creating a nomadic lifestyle rooted in travel, family and community. Named a Woman to Watch and Global Innovation Leader, Lindsay's delivered over 100+ keynotes and has worked with organizations including lululemon, Unilever, the LEGO Group, Snapchat and the Human Potential Institute. She stems from deep wellness roots having spent six years growing lululemon to the biggest yoga brand in the world. Having created the signature "well-thy blueprint" for driving brand growth, Lindsay believes business is the greatest healing agent that exists, if we choose to use it as such.