Booking the Perfect Keynote Speaker on Innovation: A Guide

Keynote speaker on innovation

By: Lindsay Angelo, Futurist, Strategist, MBA, TEDx Speaker

Table of Contents

  1. The Role of an Innovation Keynote Speaker

  2. Qualities to Look for in a Keynote Speaker on Innovation

  3. Topics Covered by Keynote Speakers on Innovation

  4. Benefits of Hiring a Keynote Speaker on Innovation

  5. How to Choose the Right Keynote Speaker for Your Event

  6. Preparing for a Successful Keynote Presentation

  7. The Long-Term Impact of a Keynote on Innovation

  8. Conclusion


Innovation is the lifeblood of progress in today's fast-paced world. Whether you're a business leader, event organizer, or part of an academic institution, you know the importance of staying ahead of the curve. This is where a keynote speaker on innovation comes into play. A dynamic and insightful speaker can ignite fresh ideas, drive motivation, and inspire meaningful change. In this guide, we'll explore the role of a keynote speaker on innovation and how to find the perfect one for your next event.

The Role of an Innovation Keynote Speaker

Let's start with the basics: what exactly does a keynote speaker do? A keynote speaker sets the tone for an event, delivering a speech that embodies the theme and goals of the gathering. When it comes to innovation, a keynote speaker's role is to inspire and challenge the audience to think differently, embrace new ideas, and adopt innovative strategies. They aren't just delivering information—they're sparking a mindset shift.

Imagine the impact of an engaging speaker who not only shares insights about emerging trends and technologies but also connects these ideas to your audience's everyday challenges and opportunities. This is the power of a great keynote on innovation.

Qualities to Look for in a Keynote Speaker on Innovation

Not all keynote speakers are created equal. To find the right one, you need to look for specific qualities:

  1. Expertise and Experience: An innovation keynote speaker should have a deep understanding of innovation, backed by real-world experience. Look for someone who has successfully navigated the ever-changing landscape of their industry.

  2. Engagement and Connection: A great speaker can captivate an audience, making complex ideas accessible and relatable. They should be able to connect on a personal level, making the content relevant to your audience.

  3. Communication and Storytelling: Innovation often involves abstract concepts. A good keynote speaker uses storytelling to make these ideas tangible and compelling.

  4. Proven Track Record: Check the speaker's past engagements. Look for testimonials, reviews, TED talks, and videos of their presentations. A proven track record of impactful speeches is a strong indicator of their ability to deliver.

Topics Covered by Keynote Speakers on Innovation

What can you expect from a keynote on innovation? Here are some common topics:

Introduction to Futures Thinking

  • Emerging Trends and Technologies: Insights into the latest developments that are shaping the future. This can include delivering foresight or futures thinking.

  • Strategies for Fostering a Culture of Innovation: Practical advice on creating an environment where innovation and innovative ideas thrive.

  • Case Studies and Success Stories: Lighthouse examples from various industries that highlight successful innovative practices.

  • Future Predictions and Preparing for Change: Helping your audience anticipate and prepare for future challenges and opportunities.

Benefits of Hiring a Keynote Speaker on Innovation

Why should you invest in a keynote speaker on innovation? Here are a few compelling reasons:

  1. Inspiring Creativity: A great speaker can unlock creative potential within your organization, encouraging new ways of thinking and problem-solving.

  2. Providing Actionable Insights: Beyond inspiration, a good keynote provides practical strategies that your audience can implement.

  3. Enhancing Event Experience: An engaging keynote sets a positive tone for your event, making it memorable and impactful.

  4. Driving Motivation and Engagement: A dynamic presentation can boost morale and encourage active participation from your audience.

How to Choose the Right Keynote Speaker for Your Event

Selecting the right innovation speaker involves a few key steps:

  1. Understand Your Needs: Clearly define the goals and objectives of your event. What do you want your audience to take away from the keynote? There are a variety of topics in the speaking world. Try and narrow down to some key topics you might be interested in.

  2. Research Potential Speakers: Look into speakers' backgrounds, expertise, and areas of focus. Innovation experts have a wide range of focus areas. Don't just rely on their website—watch videos of their past presentations and read testimonials.

  3. Evaluate Speaker Profiles: Consider the speaker's relevance to your industry and audience. Are they speaking to the specific challenges and opportunities your audience faces? Are they speaking on disruptive innovation, incremental innovation, innovation business models, future trends, business trends, business innovation, other?

  4. Check Testimonials and Reviews: Look for feedback from previous engagements to gauge the speaker's effectiveness and impact.

Preparing for a Successful Keynote Presentation

To ensure a successful keynote, preparation is key:

  1. Set Clear Objectives: Define what you want to achieve with the keynote. Share these objectives with your speaker.

  2. Collaborate with the Speaker: Work closely with your keynote speaker to tailor their presentation to your audience's needs and interests.

  3. Ensure Technical and Logistical Support: Make sure all technical aspects, such as audiovisual equipment, are in place and functioning properly.

  4. Promote the Keynote: Maximize attendance and engagement by promoting the keynote through your event's marketing channels.

The Long-Term Impact of a Keynote on Innovation

A powerful innovation keynote can have lasting effects on your organization. It can:

Lindsay Angelo TEDx Talk | Future of Consumerism & Business

  • Influence Organizational Change: By inspiring new ways of thinking and working, a keynote can drive significant change within your organization.

  • Encourage Continuous Learning: A great keynote encourages your audience to keep learning and exploring new ideas long after the event.

  • Measure Success: Assess the impact of the keynote through feedback and by tracking subsequent innovations and changes within your organization.


Choosing the right keynote speaker on innovation can transform your event and inspire lasting change within your organization. If you're looking to drive innovation and spark new ideas at your next event, contact us to learn more about how Lindsay can ignite your event. 

Let’s work together to create a memorable and impactful experience for your attendees.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • An effective keynote speaker on innovation combines deep expertise with engaging storytelling. Many innovation speakers are also bestselling authors and have a proven track record of inspiring audiences. They bring fresh insights and practical strategies to help organizations embrace innovative thinking and drive change.

  • Notable innovation leaders often include individuals who have been at the forefront of breakthrough ideas and technologies. These can be Founders & CEOs of leading companies, award-winning authors, and Tech Entrepreneurs who have successfully navigated and shaped the future of innovation.

  • Innovation speakers focus specifically on the themes of Innovation & Creativity. They delve into topics like disruptive thinking, Avant-Garde Ideas, and Patterns of Opportunity. Unlike general motivational speakers, they provide actionable insights on how to foster a culture of innovation within organizations.

  • Disruptive thinking is crucial for innovation as it challenges the status quo and conventional wisdom. It encourages looking at problems from new angles and finding unconventional solutions. This mindset is often championed by Serial entrepreneurs and award-winning innovation experts who have a history of breaking new ground in their fields.

  • A keynote speaker on innovation can inspire human creativity by sharing stories of innovative breakthroughs and demonstrating how creative problem-solving can lead to significant advancements. They highlight how innovative thinking can transform ordinary ideas into extraordinary results, thereby unlocking the creative potential within their audience.

  • Innovation speakers cover a wide range of topics including the future of innovation, disruptive thinking, and Avant-Garde Ideas. They also discuss practical aspects such as fostering Innovation & Creativity within teams, identifying Patterns of Opportunity, and developing an effective approach to innovation.

  • A keynote speaker who is a bestselling author brings a wealth of knowledge and credibility to their presentations. Their ability to articulate complex ideas in an engaging and accessible manner helps to inspire and educate audiences. Being a bestselling author often means they have reached and influenced a large audience, which adds to their authority on the subject.

  • Absolutely. A Tech Entrepreneur often has firsthand experience with the challenges and opportunities of driving innovation. Their insights into the latest technological advancements and their practical experience in implementing innovative solutions make them highly valuable as keynote speakers on innovation.

  • An award-winning innovation expert brings recognized expertise and proven success in the field of innovation. Their accolades and achievements provide assurance that they have made significant contributions to the industry. As keynote speakers, they can share their journey, strategies, and insights to inspire and guide others towards achieving similar success.

  • A Serial entrepreneur has the unique perspective of having started and grown multiple businesses, often in diverse industries. Their experience with varied challenges and successes provides rich, practical insights into innovative thinking and disruptive strategies. They can share valuable lessons on resilience, adaptability, and creative problem-solving.

  • Key qualities include a deep understanding of innovation principles, strong communication skills, and a proven track record of inspiring others. Look for speakers who are not only experts but also engaging storytellers, such as bestselling authors, award-winning innovation experts, and recognized innovation leaders. Their ability to connect with the audience and convey complex ideas in a relatable manner is crucial.

  • Innovative thinking is essential for businesses to stay competitive in today's rapidly changing world. It enables organizations to anticipate market trends, respond to emerging challenges, and seize new opportunities. Encouraging a culture of Innovation & Creativity helps businesses to continuously evolve and remain relevant.

  • A keynote speaker on innovation can set a powerful tone for an event, inspiring attendees to think creatively and embrace new ideas. Their insights can lead to actionable strategies that drive organizational growth and transformation. By challenging conventional wisdom and promoting innovative thinking, they can significantly enhance the value and impact of the event.

About the author

lindsay angelo futurist

Lindsay is a practicing and award-winning Innovator, Futurist, Strategist, MBA and TEDx speaker. She provides growth and advisory services to purpose-driven organizations worldwide and is the founder of Futurist-in-50-Days, supporting impact-driven professionals in learning to think and lead into the future. When she’s not collaborating with clients, she’s hitting stages across North America to deliver keynotes on the future of consumerism, strategy and innovation. Prior to advising, Lindsay spent six years at lululemon crafting their global growth strategy, exploring new marketplace opportunities and growing the company into the number one yoga wear player in the world. Her experiences culminate in what she refers to as her sweet spot — where strategy, innovation and insights intersect, where the rational meets the emotive, where facts meet insights and where logic meets creativity.