Lindsay Angelo, a growth strategist and impact speaker, described entrepreneurship as a “beautiful world of technicolor.” Angelo rose to the challenge of launching her own consulting firm in 2017, after a six-year career at Lululemon. Angelo was one of the five women comprising our 2019 Women to Watch class. Her bold face-your-fears message at the fourth annual 425 Women to Watch event inspired others to make the most of their personal and professional lives.
Consumerism TED talk delivered by Global Innovation Leader & Growth Strategist
Consumerism TED talk | What is the Future of Consumerism? What is Conscious Consumerism? Lindsay delivers a TEDx talk titled "The Business Model Puzzle: How brands thrive beyond crisis" shedding light on the Topic of Consumerism, Consumer Choices and the Post-pandemic Consumer. Beyond providing a fresh and unique way of looking at business value, she also touches on the ethics of business & economics, a topic under the lime light over the past year.
Where are all the Female Futurists?
What to Expect from a Marketing Consultant?
What should I expect from a marketing consultant? What do marketing consultants do and what skills should they have? Marketing consultants help businesses define and reach their goals by providing a strategic plan or marketing plan, overseeing the execution, and monitoring progress. A marketer is a niche business asset who can fill various roles as needed, and should be multidimensional in their skillset. They can help to augment your marketing efforts and drive substantial growth for your business. Hear from Global Innovation Leader, Growth Strategist and Top Conversational Marketer, Lindsay Angelo | Seattle, Wa